Sandi Fike
President -

Sandi has been a life member of VFW Auxiliary to Charles Evering Post 6506 since 2018. She joined under the eligibility of her maternal grandfather, James F. Thomas, Jr. who was an Army machine gunner who served during WWII. There is a long and varied history of military service in her family going back numerous generations.

On the Auxiliary Level: Sandi is currently serving as President. She has held the office of Junior Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Trustee.  Sandi has held many chairmanships for the Auxiliary.

Sandi is a member of the Ravens Roost 50 Foundation for Families.  Sister Fike is a mother of one, a grandmother of four, and great grandmother to one. She is employed by Baltimore County as an Engineering Records Manager. Sandi loves spending time with her grandchildren, cruising, football, and helping others.  She can be found volunteering at most Post and Auxiliary functions.  She believes we all should find a way to give back to our community and those who have served. She has a long history of volunteer service in the community.

Sandi is also a life member of VFW National Home for Children.  Serving our veterans is a family affair with 4 generations of her family volunteering at Post 6506.