Sister Stahm joined the Ladies Auxiliary to Jarrettsville-Manor Memorial Post 8672 in April 2009 under the eligibility of her husband, Gary J Stahm, a United States Navy Seaman who served during Vietnam. Sister Stahm became a Life Member of the organization in August 2010. Betty transferred to VFW Auxiliary to Charles Evering Post 6506 in 2014.
On the Auxiliary Level: Betty served in the past as President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Chaplain, Historian, and Trustee. Sister Stahm was honored to be awarded President of the Year in 2009-10 & 2010-11. She has also served as Auxiliary Chairman on the following programs: Cancer Aid and Research, the President’s Special Project, Veterans and Family Support, and Youth Activities. Currently, Betty was elected in 2023 as Treasurer and appointed Secretary.
On the District Level: Betty served as District President, Senior Vice President, Chaplain, Patriotic Instructor and Trustee. Sister Stahm was honored to be awarded Runner Up District President of the Year (2015-16). She has held many chairmanships for the District.
On the Department Level, Sister Stahm was elected to the High Office of Department President at the 2016 Department Convention after serving as Guard, Conductress, Chaplain, Junior Vice President, and Senior Vice President. Betty was awarded the honor of being inducted into the Circle of Excellence for a job well done by the Department of Maryland Auxiliaries. She also served as Loyalty Day and Buddy Poppy Chairman, Youth Activities Chairman, Membership Chairman, and Chief of Staff. Department President Weeks assigned Sister Stahm to develop the Department Website as co-chairman. Sister Stahm developed the Department’s FaceBook page in 2014 and still maintains it today.
On the National Level: Appointed Eastern Conference Youth Activities Chairman by National President Dee Guillory (2017-18). Appointed Buddy Poppy/VFW National Home for Children National Ambassador by National President Peggy Haake (2019-20)
Sister Stahm is a VFW National Home for Children Life Member. She has also been awarded National and Department Aide de Camp multiple times. Betty was on the board of directors for the Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET) from 2017 until 2022. She is also a member and President of Ravens Roost 50 Foundation for Families. Gary and Betty have been married for 45 years. They have 2 sons, 2 daughters, and 9 GrandSONS. Betty is employed with the National Stormwater Center as the Director of Operations. In her spare time, Betty loves to spend time with her family, especially those boys. She also enjoys the beach, football, and gardening.